Retail & Services

LA POSTE: Improving Tracking Compliance with Automatic Cookie Scanning and Categorization

La Poste
May 2024
Key results


Ensuring conformity with privacy-protecting regulations

La Poste, France’s national postal service, faced a formidable task. In order to comply with privacy-related cookie regulations, including GDPR, the group needed to attain a comprehensive understanding of the trackers in use on its website, document a set of processes and best practices, raise internal awareness, and provide team training on proper cookie and tracker management.


Identifying and monitoring trackers while building new privacy processes

La Poste partnered with fifty-five to:

Ensure compliance for all existing cookies

fifty-five deployed an automatic cookie crawler on La Poste’s website to check and categorize various cookies, then built a correction roadmap and updated the CMP and cookie policies to reinforce compliance with regulations.

Build and deploy new privacy/data protection processes

fifty-five documented new tag deployment and cookies monitoring processes, set up compliance evaluation methods in new tools, and determined privacy protection guidelines for external partners.


An extensive view of all trackers in place and more rigorous privacy practices

  • Over a thousand cookies are now checked and classified
  • 13% of all cookies are no longer deposited during user sessions
  • Automatic cookie reporting and alerts
  • 4 new processes added to maintain appropriate tracking compliance

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